Confined to Home

Like many of us, I’m confined to home right now. You would think that means I’m getting lots done but I confess that I’m easily distracted and not nearly as productive as I could be.

I already knew this but it’s even more clear to me that I really like going to the gym and that I’m much less likely to do strength training when left to my own devices. I’m just not doing the things I know I should be doing. I could easily spend a half hour doing push ups, squats, and lunges and have a good workout.  It just hasn’t happened yet.


Since I can go outside and, in fact, it’s probably good for me to get some fresh air, I’ve tried to do some cardio every day. I broke out my couch to 5K app (yes, AGAIN!) and am doing a run/walk routine to get back to running. Every year I vow not to lose my running over the winter. That seems to be a vow that is easily broken. I really need to work on that.

It’s really not been warm enough in Ohio for me to take a bike outside but I now have a bike set up inside. I have started to use it to vary my cardio workouts. I’m using Zwift and a Wahoo Kickr Snap to make my bike rides more challenging. I’ll share more information on both of those in a future blogpost.

If you use Zwift and want to follow each other there, please let me know. I could use more support.

Just getting outside and moving is great. I enjoy going for a walk in my neighborhood.

Confined to Home

When I’m in the house, I notice that I’m on the phone a lot more often and I’ve started to pace while talking. It really is an easy way to get more steps in without having to think about it.

Between getting outside and the pacing, my Fitbit numbers have gone up a lot. It’s noticeable, for sure. So, that’s one good thing. Being at home and not working has some benefits.

What have you been doing to keep yourself active? Are you stuck at home or are you going to work? If you’re home, are you working from home? Let me know how you’re doing.

4 thoughts on “Confined to Home”

  1. You’re inspiring me. I took a walk around the block today. My house is on a busy road, but lately not much traffic. I listened to an inspirational podcast and walked facing traffic. I think a total of 15 cars passed me over a 3 mil walk.

    Thanks for the boost, Jill!

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