Women over the age of 50 are unique. Almost invisible. Usually underestimated. Nobody thinks you’re strong. People are surprised if you’re fit. We got fit in our fifties and plan to stay fit and get strong well into our sixties and beyond. Becoming Elli is dedicated to women becoming strong and fit in the second half of life.
Who is Elli Anyway?
Elli, the Norse Goddess of “old age”, was underestimated by Thor in a wrestling match. Thor wrestled Elli on a dare and lost the contest. That’s about the extent of our knowledge of Elli and nobody seems to be making a super-hero movie about her. But we’re inspired by Elli and we think we can become like her: surprisingly strong as we age.
Who are We?
We are Chris and Jill, two women who both hit their fifties, lost weight, became fit, and discovered that running and lifting weights can be a lot of fun.
Our friendship became a great way to have a buddy for running and discussing nutrition and comparing gym workouts. One day we were discussing our future plans and discovered that we both wanted to start a blog/podcast/community for women like ourselves and from that conversation, Becoming Elli was born.
Becoming Elli Fit Strong Women Over 50
The community of Becoming Elli is dedicated to becoming and staying fit by gaining strength and having fun at the same time. We want to investigate different ideas about fitness, food, and general health.
Don’t underestimate your own abilities. You can be strong. And fit. Even when you’re over 50! Maybe especially when you’re over 50. Join us in our quest to become Elli!