Check in on 2021 Step Goal

Time to check in on my 2021 step goal! We’ve just finished the first quarter of 2021 and I thought I should see how I’m doing with my Fitbit stats.

Last year, I resolved over half way through the year that I was going to try to beat my 2019 statistics and I managed to do that. When I looked at my Fitbit numbers for the past seven years, I saw that 2016 was my best year. I was doing a lot of running that year so it’s not surprising. I decided that for 2021, I would beat my best and get 5,000,000 steps by the end of the year.

In order to reach this goal, I need to walk an average of 13,700 steps a day. I know from my past experience that my steps can fluctuate pretty wildly over a year. Therefore, I decided that during the winter I was not going to worry if I didn’t walk that many steps because I can make it up over the spring, summer, and fall. It’s better, though, not to get too far behind, or I’ll be struggling to hit my goal for the year. Wouldn’t it be dreadful to get to November and realize that I have a million steps to do by the end of the year?

Check In on My 2021 Step Goal

Here are the statistics for my steps from January 1 to March 31, 2021. I’ve walked a total of 1,169,909 steps and my daily average is 12,999. (What would I have had to do to have my daily average be exactly one step more? I really prefer nice round numbers.)

2021 Step Goal

I’m a bit shy of where I need to be to hit the 5 million mark by the end of the year. I’ll have to increase my daily walking or add in more running to get the necessary steps. Since it’s now spring, I think it’s doable. I’ll check this again when we hit the half way mark for the year and see if I’m on track. The half way mark would be 2.5 million steps, which means I need to walk 1,330,09 over the next three months or 160,182 more steps for the quarter.

Sounds like a bit of a challenge, doesn’t it? That is why it’s good to do a check in on my 2021 step goal. If I wait too long to check, I won’t be able to increase my daily activity in time.

That’s the point of these kind of challenges, don’t you think?

How are you doing on your 2021 fitness goals? Did you check in for the first quarter?

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