I love salmon patties. They’re quick and easy and taste great. I was trying to figure out how to get…
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What’s this about changes in the gut microbiome due to the pandemic? I was listening to a podcast and heard…
Why stay fit? It’s hard sometimes to remember why. And then I have a couple of weeks like the past…
Five things to know when starting at the gym? Obviously, there could be many more than this but I thought…
Episode 84 Download | Play in New Window Please Subscribe: Apple Podcasts (iTunes) | Google Podcasts | Amazon Podcasts | Android-Google Play | Audible | …
Kettlebell workouts are fun. Maybe it is the brightly colored kettlebell weights or maybe it’s because it’s easy to see…
Episode 83- Healthy Living 2021 Download | Play in New Window Please Subscribe: Apple Podcasts (iTunes) | Google Podcasts | Amazon Podcasts | Android-Google Play |…
Having a dog in my life definitely adds more steps to my day! I find that I am more motivated…
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