Getting Back into the Groove

I’m struggling with getting back into the groove of my usual routines and good habits. My planned consistency has taken a back seat to summer social activities.

It’s funny. I looked forward to summer so much so that I could be outside, running, riding and building my physical levels. Looking back over this year (since summer is more than half over now) between the family vacation, reunions, birthdays, a long wedding weekend, kayak trips and camp-outs, my summer has had more social activity and less physical activity than the last eight or nine summers have had.

A regular schedule and a set routine helps ensure I plan my meals, shop for healthy produce regularly, and consistently get solid exercise.

Don’t get me wrong, I love connecting and reconnecting with family, friends and loved ones! But my consistent pattern of working toward my consistency goals has definitely suffered.

I haven’t done as many long bike rides this summer and my big fundraising ride is next weekend. Excuses like “it’s too wet” or it’s too hot” are actually somewhat legitimate. Temperatures and weather events have been epic this summer. Because of social events, even my indoor yoga routine has been inconsistent.

Getting Back into the Groove
I am in the cue for an audio book from the library that always helps me get back on track: The Power of Habit.

I am reminding myself of my word of the year: resilient.

And re-reminding myself to get back into the sync of things with a focus on weight loss maintenance by staying consistent… staying with the #VeggieChallenge in 2019, and continuing to overcome the fear and jitters of new challenges.

Sometimes getting back in the groove feels like being in a rut. In this case, I don’t think so. Getting consistent exercise, sticking with good eating habits and pushing myself a little out of my comfort zone on a regular basis – that’s the kind of life schedule that keeps me feeling strong and fit, both physically and mentally.

How do you stay strong and fit both physically and mentally? Do you find power in routine or are you more of a spontaneous person? Leave a message in the comments below or a voice mail on 330-970-6662. Be sure to reference this article. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Getting Back into the Groove”

  1. It is true, summer is soooo busy!! I too have dealt with family reunions, summer home projects, gardening plus the other fun stuff like hanging out at the lake. Fall is just around the corner (but I love it). I have found that planning a Fall event like a 10K or half marathon helps to keep me focused on my training. I have set a goal, I have spent the money and I know how hard its going to be if I don’t continue to train. I am a total “routine” freak! I like to keep my weekdays “set in stone”! That means running and Yoga/Weights alternating days Monday through Friday then the weekend is mine to go crazy! I work full time so I have to set aside my mornings for workouts. Staring at 6am can be challenging in and of itself (that means getting up at 4:30 for me). But mainly keeping my M-F routine M-F and signing up for a Fall run is how I “Stay in The Groove”.

    1. Thanks for replying Susan! I like your routines and the way you keep things consistent. I know that makes a difference in staying fit and strong. Keeping M-F with a solid routine is great. I’m going to relook at my schedule and see where I can plug in some group classes!

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