Return to Yoga

FI’ve been talking about my need to return to yoga for quite a while. I practiced yoga off and on for but due to the combination of not really liking the yoga classes offered at my gym and then the whole social distancing thing made it difficult.

Finally, I tried a new yoga studio this week. I received a gift certificate for Christmas with five passes for classes at a nearby studio.  Figuring it was time, I took my first class this week. I signed up for a gentle yoga because I find starting back into anything is easier if you just take it easy at first. Signing up for the flow class seemed a bit much for starting over.

I loved it! The class was enjoyable, and the studio was lovely. The room where we practiced had large windows overlooking the Cuyahoga River so there was lots of natural light.

Sometimes it’s difficult to go to a new gym or a yoga studio or any fitness place because the people there are used to themselves and aren’t welcoming to others. This class had a number of people attending but nobody seemed to be in a clique.

The class was indeed a gentle yoga but it was clear to me that I’m not as flexible as I was a while ago. I have the strength to do things but boy do I have tight hamstrings. And once again I’m back to the beginning with the balance poses.

The advantage of starting over repeatedly is that I knew I was back to where I started and didn’t feel compelled to try to do more than I could. I felt at ease knowing that if I keep going, I’ll get better.

I’m going to pick a different class for next week. I like the idea of trying out different things since this is a new place. I think checking out the different instructors and classes will be a good reentry into the world of yoga.

How about you? Have you tried something new recently or gotten back to something that you used to love to do? Let me know in the comments.

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