With the weather we have had in Northeast Ohio this week, 90% of my workouts have been indoors.
But today I’m going to talk about the joys of winter weather workouts because today I witnessed a lot of motivational people this morning when I stopped by the Prediction 5K Run.
It was snowy, icy and cold… about 22 degrees, but yet still around 200 people ran the Prediction 5K outside in an effort to finish their prediction of how long it would take them.
No watches, beepers, or electronic devices to help were allowed.
Some of the folks wore trax on the bottom of their running shoes and everyone had gloves. The course was twice around. Some people found the first loop a bit scary with the ice on the hill, others thought the second loop was tougher.
What amazed me was there was a three way tie for first place… where three different people predicted their finishing times within ONE SECOND for running a snowy icy course of 3.1 miles.
The second place (or is it 4th place) winner, predicted their finish time within 2 seconds.
This is a fun way to have a race where people who train a lot and know their pace probably have the best idea of their finish times. But folks who walk, or jog or normally never think they might win a race have a really good chance to finish as a winner.
The race organizers had awesome prizes – see photo!
The good news, it was not the wintery mix we’ve been having the past few days. I’m really going to be celebrating spring!!
If you’re outside clearing your driveway, walking the trails or running the roads, remember to keep your sense of balance. Our podcast about balance featured Jill Rango and I still remember her encouraging us to “Walk like Pengiuns.”
My left shoulder is almost as strong as my right shoulder after really focusing on it the last 3 months. It’s hard to keep my body balanced, but I know it is the imbalances that tend to cause injuries when I modify my gait or other movement because of a former injury. It’s important for me to strengthen those hurt portions.
How are your workouts going? Leave me a message in the comments below or email [email protected] or call 330-970-6662 and leave a voice message.