The weather has been very overcast and damp the last few weeks here in Ohio, so I have made a point to try to focus on making colorful winter meals with my soup and salads. Some people call it eating the rainbow.
It’s almost like a mini hibernation feeling for me during January and I find that if I focus on having hearty soups and colorful salads,it helps to keep me eating healthy with a focus on lots of vegetables and getting protein. I also added in a seafood photo for an extra happy oomph.
Here are a few of my favorite meals that I will share with you for inspiration:

I usually make enough of this salad to have as a main meal (with tuna) and then several side salads over a bed of spinach or spring mix greens the following day. This is similar to my potluck salads. My dressing is usually lemon juice, cider vinegar, olive oil, basil, oregano, pepper. It can be a lot of roughage if you’re not used to eating lots of veggies.

There is nothing like little tomatoes cut in half for making winter meals colorful!

I recently got out of Ohio for a few days and flew down to meet up with some friends in Florida. They treated me to this awesome fresh seafood extravaganza. While I wanted to share all the photos of my vacation food with you, it seems too indulgent, so here is just one of the stone crab with mustard sauce on a bed of ice.

Please share your favorite winter salads and soups with me in the private Facebook group. I always get inspired when I see what other people in our community are doing!