I should start by saying I love a cabbage and onion mixture!
It’s been a while since I pulled out the instant pot and used it to cook anything. The other day I noticed I still had a lot of little onions and a big cabbage that had been sitting in the refrigerator since the last grocery shop. I hate it when I spend good money on fresh produce and then let it get into old produce! The flavor is always compromised. I decided to saute the onions in a bit of olive oil. They were small onions, about golf ball size, so I just peeled and cut in half before lightly sauteing.
Then I rough cut the cabbage in both directions and thru it into the instant pot. I also found a green pepper that was just a little past its prime, so I cut that up and added it to the pot.

After I threw the onions into the mixture, I set the pot for 10 minutes on high. It took another 10 to 15 minutes to release the steam. So although it’s called an instant pot, it was more like 25 minutes total. The cabbage and onions were really cooked through. I think next time I’ll try only 8 minutes on high pressure to see if there is a little more crunch.
It’s been my experience with my instant pot that most everything is suitable for a soup after I get done with it. While that wasn’t my intention originally, the mixture of cabbage, onion and little bit of green pepper was great! Do you use your instant pot during the summer? Or are you more likely to use an air fryer? Let me know in the comments below.
It makes me laugh how many recipes for cabbage we find to post! It’s clearly the vegetable of choice for us. This sounds great.
I use my Instant Pot more often in the winter but still use it during the summer. I like to use it to prepare chicken breasts in advance so I can chop some up and throw on my salad or mix with some grilled veggies. You do have to be careful not to overcook. I’ve ended up with very mushy vegetables. Part of it, I think, is that it’s ok to release the pressure shortly after the cooking ends.
The air fryer is great for “frying” up veggies or giving a bit of a crisp to food. I think I’ve used it more this summer than the Instant Pot.