Trying to be consistent with exercise can be a challenge, but I feel pretty good about consistently walking in the morning. While consistently walking is not a strenuous workout, I find it one minor way I can be consistent with exercise.
Like most women, I balance a lot of different activities. I also tend to put other people or priorities ahead of getting consistent exercise, so I’m pleased that I’ve been able to walk about 10,000 steps daily average this summer.
In winter and spring I was consistently going to the gym and I felt good about that. I imagine once the weather starts to change, I’ll be back indoors.
Walking in nature has been quite enjoyable for any number of reasons:
- I take the dog, so she gets her steps as well.
- It’s fun to listen to podcasts and audiobooks.
- I’ve seen many of the same people and now have a regular group of “friendly walkers”
- Inspiring chats – like the one I had the other day with someone wearing a rim-to-rim t-shirt, or the woman who is training for a bi-athalon.
- The rest of the day I find it easier to sit still when I have to (commuting or computer work)
- I’ve found some new trails or ways to lengthen existing trails.
- Great time to think thru (real or imagined) problems that are bugging me
Of course, I am incorporating other forms of exercise into my week as well… but I am a real creature of a regular routine. Right now I am finding it very satisfying to grab a walk first thing in the morning before the days events take over or the heat of the day forces me back into the air conditioning. Consistently walking is an easy habit for me to make.
Do you have a regular routine that helps you stay healthy and fit? Leave a message below to share with everyone on what consistency looks like for you.