Why I am Focused on Staying Fit

Why stay fit?

It’s hard sometimes to remember why. And then I have a couple of weeks like the past two weeks that remind me in so many wonderful ways.

My family took a vacation to the beach and I enjoyed it immensely. Although we have traveled to this same beach many times during the past 28 years, I think this year had special meaning. Following the pandemic, I am so very very thankful for my good health and strong body.

I spent a lot of time at the beach walking the dog early morning and late afternoon. We walked for hours on the beach, listening to the waves and enjoying the smells of salt water.why stay fit loving twice a day walks on the beach

The weather didn’t always cooperate, but I still loved it.why I stay fit beach walks in the sand

It was Peanut’s first trip to the beach and I think she loved it too!Why I stay fit Peanut on the beach

Vacation time with family was indescribably fun. I particularly am grateful for a strong body that allows me to lift a squiggling toddler over and over again! It was great to play with my grandson without worrying about if I am strong enough to pick him up. (Doing lots of reps with weights means I can lift him over and over and over!)
why I stay fit

When we got back:

I completely enjoyed having a delicious meal with friends that I hadn’t seen in months and months without keeping a 6 foot distance and wearing a mask. why stay fit

I was feeling very happy about being able to do the physical work of moving rocks and cleaning out the pond at my mom’s house. While this was hard, the fact that I’m able to help do this at 64 years old feels great.Rocks and leafy water are heavy to move, but I love being fit.

This past week I felt real joy of doing a “summer bike ride” on a hot spring day that was humid and 85 degrees which felt a lot more like a summer day.

whystay fit loving a summer bike ride

Doing more makes me want to do more. It is funny how using energy gives me more energy. My “why” of being fit is filled with all of these. To be healthy enough to say “yes” without wondering will my body fail me.

What is your why?

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