This past week the weather has improved quite a bit here in Ohio and I got my first bike ride of the season!
While it was still really cold at 47 degrees, the sun helped. My tire pressure was low, so I pumped the tires up. Actually I was surprised there was still air from last year in the tubes. Checked the brakes. Made sure I remembered which side was the big gear and which one was the small gear.
Found my bike gloves, helmet, and bike shoes. Bundled up really well, with an extra sweatshirt and warm socks.
After spending so many days at home, it was nice to be out of the house, even for a short first bike ride of the season. I didn’t go near any people and only saw a few cars.
I have to tell you I got inspired after Zoom video call from the Becoming Elli Facebook Group.
It was fun to worry about potholes and normal things like shifting the gears on the bike.
I can tell I haven’t been in spinning class for a month… I noticed my seat right away.
Hope you are finding some normal things to do that bring you joy during this unusual time of quarantine from the COVID-19. While I really stayed close to home, this ride offered a nice break and another thing to add to my list of counting my blessings.
Let us know how it is going! Send over an email or call 330-970-6662 and leave a voice message.