February 2025 Bingo is here to challenge you to dig a little deeper. We received very positive feedback about the January bingo, so we decided to switch it up a bit and do a February version.
You can screen capture this with your phone and mark off the squares as you complete them. You might want to do more than one each day, or save the challenge to work through the whole month of February! Get five in a row, either across, down or diagonally and shout out bingo. We’ll look for the shout outs on our social media platforms and here in the comments below.
Click on the photo above to get to the PDF if you prefer to print the bingo card out from your computer or click on this link: 2025 Bingo card – February 2025.
Please let us know if you are enjoying these challenges by leaving a message. Do you find them challenging? Too easy? Too difficult? It is very helpful to us to find out how you use them so that we create something that inspires and encourages us all to get and stay fit and strong as we age.
If you’d rather post your status in a more private way, please consider joining our Becoming Elli Private Facebook Group community. It’s a group of over 500 like minded women over 50 who are working together and supporting each other.