Keeping the Weight Off with Fresh Veggies

I love veggies from the garden. I know it is helps me in keeping the weight off. My favorite is roasted vegetables.

After losing a significant amount of weight between 2007 and 2012,  I’ve been working on keeping the weight off and staying fit and strong. For those that listen to the podcast and are part of the Becoming Elli community, it comes as no surprise that one of my “secrets” for keeping the weight off is by eating lots of vegetables.

If you haven’t heard our “story” before, you may want to listen to our 3rd podcast episode called: Turning 50 and getting fit

keeping the weight off
I slice the zucchini in half and then length wise
keeping the weight off
Trying to keep them a uniform size is a good idea because they will cook evenly.
keeping the weight off
I just reused the matt that I used from cooking the other vegetables. I lightly sprayed them with extra virgin olive oil spray and lightly salted.
keeping the weight off
My stove works well at 375 degrees for 25 minutes on the first side. Flip once and roast again for 10 more minutes. Delicious!!

What’s your favorite way of roasting vegetables? Temperature, baking sheet? Olive oil? Do you use salt? I’m always looking for ways to make it more healthy and more delicious!

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