Sleep for Health and Fitness

Getting sleep for health and fitness is crucial for me. From time to time I ask myself, “What’s the MOST important thing I can do for my health and fitness?”

My first thought usually revolves around food. Something that I shouldn’t eat. Or something that I should eat more of.

Then I think about exercise. Am I getting enough? Of the right kind – not too much cardio and not enough strength right?

But what I have found is the very most important thing for me is getting enough sleep. Followed up by drinking enough water. Those are two really simple things actually, but also some of the first to go when I get busy and stressed.

While the right foods and the right exercise is so important, I find that skimping on sleep is the most critical factor. If I don’t sleep enough, it is almost impossible to get good exercise the next day. And I find I crave carbohydrates, maybe because I am low on energy.

I’ve been focused on good health for many years now. Jill and I started working on our Becoming Elli website in the fall of 2017 and our podcast at the beginning of 2018.  It’s amazing all the information I’ve learned during this time and all the incremental steps I’ve taken.

While scientists have learned a lot about sleep and it’s effect on the brain and body, there is still so much more to learn. I know that I can fall asleep quickly and easily, but staying asleep can be harder for me. I also tend to wake up around the same time every morning, regardless of when I go to bed. So setting an early bedtime is important for me.

Besides an early bedtime, I try to have an evening routine that lasts about 15 minutes before getting into bed. It helps me wind down and signal my mind and body that it’s time to sleep. Dark curtains, a slightly cool bedroom, a comfortable pillow, and quiet surroundings with a bit of white noise also really helps.

How important is regular consistent sleep to your health and fitness? Do you consider it the number one thing for your well being? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.


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