Improving our Podcast Outreach

Many of our readers found us through the Fit Strong Women Over 50 podcast. We’ve been publishing it since 2018 a couple times each month and recently released our 160th episode.

In a way to learn more, stay current and keep on keeping on with the podcast and Becoming Elli community, we are attending the Podcast Movement conference. Here we are finding out that there are many ways to use all the technology but it seems like sharing ideas with other podcasters in person is a great way to keep getting re-energized.

In the near future, Jill and I plan to survey our readers and listeners to learn more about what you like, what you’d like to learn and how we can improve our content and outreach.

We know we are doing somethings very right.

I was reminded about one of the podcast measuring tools,, that we learned about in 2023 at the Podcast Movement conference.  In the last 12 months, our podcast has moved up a little bit and now Listen Notes has the podcast ranked at a listen score of 38 and rank of 2%.

I’m still not exactly sure what that means, but I really liked this embedded app that allows you to listen and share the podcast episodes easily.  Click through to see what I mean.


There are many ways to use this website. Please let me know of your listening experiences with Listen Notes by leaving a comment below, thanks!

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